About the League

5-STAND League of the nation

Team style competition. Points based on class average

This virtual league will be held at regularly scheduled NSCA events throughout the country. Team up with other shooters to create your power team!

All teams must include (1) Master class NSCA member (1) AA class NSCA member (1) A class NSCA member (1) B class NSCA member (1) C class NSCA member (1) D or E class NSCA member (1) New Shooter registered as Hunter or NSCA assigned class


  1. Our sport deserves growth. Our league encourages the introduction of new shooters to NSCA events. Teams receive bonus points for a new shooter entered in a registered 5-Stand event.
  2. Everyone has something to learn. Teamwork is encouraged during training and practice, teams will accrue bonus points for members whom punch up in class.
  3. 5-Stand keeps it real. NSCA 5-Stand events are a great way to ensure scores are as accurate as possible. Even "score your own tournaments" offer a trapper and official scorekeeper at this event.
  4. Shoot whenever you want. Team members can shoot on one rotation at one event, or individually at any registered event throughout the month. Any member not registering a monthly score will receive a 5 point deduction for the month.
  5. Create a team. Teams may consist of shooters from anywhere in the country. Your virtual dream team may never shoot the same targets, but still becomes a great support system as you master the game.


  1. Growth of our sport. Bonus points are awarded to any team who includes a new shooter ( completes a complimentary NSCA membership application at the shoot or competes in Hunter class )
  2. Improve your scores. Being part of a team allows for experienced shooters to help those coming up through the classes. Shooters will learn faster and perform better when shooting with shooters who score better than them.
  3. Compete as a team for a better chance of winning. Many shooters, no matter their class, feel they don't have a chance to win in a competition. Our league uses class averages and team scores to better your chances of being a winner.
  4. Build a squad of friends. Your team will remain in effect for the entire calendar year. Time with each other will allow for friendships to grow. Whether in person at the shoot, or online at www.sportingclaysnation.com your squad can exchange tips, techniques, and stories to improve each others game.


Steps to Register a team

  1. Register your team name and members at www.sportingclaysnation.com
  2. Include for each member (Name, NSCA #, State, Current class, E-mail)
  3. Yearly team registration fee of $120 ($20 per member per year new shooter is FREE)
  4. Find a local business to sponsor* your team and your registration fee is FREE

* Team registration fee will be returned following signed sponsorship agreement.


Weekly team standings will be displayed at www.sportingclaysnation.com

We are keeping this simple and fun for 2019. With 4 months remaining in our 2019 season we will use this time to work out any issues and finalize 2020 season rules. We will keep our fees low and awards will be given at the end of the year.

Each team member will register at least one score per month. Each team member may register up to 4 scores per month, and the highest score will count for the monthly team total.

Monthly totals will be scored on each members score against his/her class average* 1 point for every target over the class average awarded, or -1 point for every target under his/her class average.

5 bonus points available weekly for teams who include a new shooter*, 5 bonus points available weekly for teams who have a member placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in any concurrent class (Sub Jr., Junior, Ladies, Vet, Super Vet, Hunter), 10 bonus points available monthly for any member punching into a higher class, All scores will be tallied using the data advertised on WinScore, ScoringPro, or iClays. A running Team total will be updated monthly at www.sportingclaysnation.com.

All NSCA and Club rules apply.

Sample Team Standing

Team Able's Ammo











Shooter M



Shooter AA




Shooter A



Shooter B




Shooter C



Shooter D/E




New Shooter
